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Taylor Swift Went to the World’s Fanciest Holiday Party

Fame Flynet

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Taylor Swift, omnipresent pop star and casual harness wearer (#neverforget), has a look. Generally, the look can be described as such: Crop top, skater skirt, tights, and heels. Guess what she wore on her 26th birthday?

Upon landing back in the states after a very chill trip to Australia and New Zealand, Taylor Swift arrived at LAX wearing a cropped sweater, gray tights, oxblood heeled loafers and a plaid miniskirt. Not only is this a classic Taylor Swift look, but it's also a classic Taylor Swift-at-Christmas look. Sorry, Swiftmas. Sorry again, Swiftmas™.

Later on, however, she attended a holiday party hosted by the son of Apple executive Jimmy Iovine — which evidently included a manmade sledding hill, penguins, and very fancy patio furniture — wearing a less-festive black dress.

There was photobombing:

A photo posted by Emilee (@imobviouslykidding) on

And selfie-taking:

A photo posted by Jamie Iovine (@jamieiovine) on

And perhaps most important of all, DJ Khaled impersonating with Calvin Harris, though tragically, Taylor did not participate in this activity and instead stuck with smiling blankly at the camera:

Does this mean that Taylor Swift does not follow DJ Khaled on Snapchat? Does Taylor Swift know what Snapchat is? Does Taylor Swift know who DJ Khaled is? Help a girl out, Calvin.