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You Can Buy Chanel from Oprah for 99 Cents

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As you'll remember, Oprah Marie Kondo-ed her closet and sent out tons of items from her TV wardrobe into the world. When Oprah does spring cleaning, she really goes for it. More than 200 items will be up for auction in eBay's Oprah's Closet Cleanout store. It's all very fancy brands too, naturally, and here's a sneak peek of a few of the items that will be on sale.

For even more bragging rights, the items have been worn by Oprah on covers of O and The Oprah Magazine and during episodes of "The Oprah Winfrey Show."

Because Oprah is a very generous human being, she's starting the bidding at 99 cents for each item. That's less than a buck for every last pair of Manolo Blahniks, but who knows how high the bidding for Oprah's items will go. All proceeds from the auction will benefit The Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls.

The bidding begins at midnight on March 1st. Good luck!