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Grab a $175 Polo to Go With Your $32 One World Observatory Admission

<a href="">Gothamist</a>

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Okay, so you've already succumbed to paying $32 to ascend New York City's tallest building and take in the views from One World Observatory, which officially opens to the public next Friday—now you want to commemorate the occasion with a trinket from the gift shop. Better keep your wallet open: Gothamist found some absurd price tags at a pre-opening visit, the highest of which went all the way off to $200 for a quarter-zip pullover. A quarter-zip pullover.

Are there other ridiculously-priced souvenir items available? Of course there are. Try on the $175 polo shirt for size, or grab an $80 throw blanket to toss over that chair you dragged in from the curb. (Or you could take an Instagram picture that'll last on the Internet forever and ever.)

At least polos and pullovers are'nt offensive in the way that a cheese plate at the 9/11 Memorial Museum is, right? Right?

1 World Trade Center

One World Trade Center, 285 Fulton Street, New York, NY 10007, USA